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Easy Cleaning Hacks to Get Your Home Ready for Chinese New Year

Cleaning is a necessary evil. We all have to do it, but few of us enjoy it. However, there’s one time of year when cleaning is actually something to look forward to. That is the Chinese New Year. That’s right – the biggest and most important holiday for Chinese around the world is all about giving your home a good spring clean. But you know what? Things shouldn’t be that complicated. You can hire a house cleaning service. But of course, there are tons of superstitions, rituals, and taboos to bear in mind when it comes to cleaning your home for this new year. So what if you want to make it your DIY projects? Here are some great hacks that’ll help you get your home ready for the festivities while avoiding bad luck.

Start With a Tidy Entranceway

floorLet’s get started with the entrance. In Chinese culture, your entranceway is considered the gateway between the outdoors and your home. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that it looks spick and span. Start by giving the door a good wash with detergent and warm water so you can get rid of all the dirt.

Then, clean up any cobwebs in the corners of your entranceway, as these are considered to be bad luck. Finally, add colorful decorations like red lanterns or lucky bamboo for the extra festive spirit.

Give Your Floors Some TLC

The floors are often the first thing people notice when they enter your home, so don’t let your floors look sad. Give them a good scrub. Sweeping and mopping your floors with a mild detergent solution should do the job just fine. Then, if you have carpets in your home, make sure to vacuum them thoroughly so that no dust or dirt is left behind. Finally, for extra sparkle, consider giving the floors a quick waxing – this will help make them look new.


Clean Up the Windows

Next up, it’s time to tackle the windows. Chinese New Year is a great opportunity to give your windows a good clean, as this will help let in more natural light and can help create a brighter and happier atmosphere in your home. Start by wiping down the window frames with warm water – this should get rid of any dirt or grime that’s built up over time. Then, use newspaper or a microfiber cloth to give the glass a good polish, and you’re done.

Add Some Finishing Touches

Finally, when it comes to Chinese New Year cleaning, the last step is often the most fun – adding all those extra finishing touches! Place decorative plants like lucky bamboo or jade plants around your home to bring positive energy and good luck. Hang up some festive decorations like red lanterns or paper cutouts on your walls for an extra touch of festivity. Finally, light up a few scented candles throughout the house – this will help fill it with a cheerful atmosphere.

And there you have it – these simple hacks should help you get your home ready for the Chinese New Year in no time. This Lunar New Year, don’t forget to take some time to give your home a good clean – not only will it bring you good luck and fortune, but it’ll also help make your home look and feel more inviting. So get cleaning and Gong Xi Fa Cai.


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